DeFi Developer

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Job Summary

Job Type


Years of Experience
At least 3 years

Tech Stacks
web3.js Ethereum OOP Node.js JavaScript Typescript

Job Description

Blocks is a proprietary trading firm focussed on cryptoassets, based in Singapore. We are looking for motivated software developers familiar with Ethereum and other protocols in the DeFi ecosystem to build our in-house trading systems. If you are interested in working on the cutting edge of DeFi, this role is for you.

  • Integrate connectors with existing DeFi protocols and exchanges to enable in-house algorithmic trading
  • Work with traders and developers to plan, test and implement trading strategies and mechanisms
  • Keep up with state-of-the-art developments in DeFi as relevant to the project

  • Javascript knowledge and working experience (>2 years, NodeJS, Typescript)
  • Good understanding of the Ethereum Virtual Machine and smart contracts
  • Technical understanding of DeFi protocols, DevOps and cybersecurity practices while interfacing with DeFi protocols
  • Strong CS fundamentals (OOP, data structures, algorithms, networking, databases)
  • Experience with automated market makers such as Uniswap, Balancer, Sushiswap and Pancakeswap

  • Proficiency with Web3.js library
  • Experience developing applications interfacing with Ethereum smart contracts / Solidity
  • Experience with quantitative / algorithmic trading 

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