Data Engineer, BytePlus

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Years of Experience
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Tech Stacks
MapReduce Kylin Storm Sqoop HBase Hive Spark kafka Hadoop Linux Python Java

Job Description

As part of BytePlus, you'll help enterprise customers build what's next for their business. Leveraging Bytedance's cutting-edge technologies, we are devoted to developing innovative products and solutions to shape the future. We help our clients to focus on what truly matters. Centering on innovation and excellence, we create game-changing solutions that help businesses to unleash their potential. You can help us to achieve our mission.

1. Provide machine learning solutions for customers, Understand business needs and optimization goals, Turn business problems into machine learning problems
2. Be a data service owner. Understand the requirements from data scientists and provide high quality data.
3. Design and build stable and high performance data pipelines. Ensure its scalability and reliability.
4. Build flexible data processing frameworks for our data products. From data preprocessing to data quality monitoring.
5. Excellent data mining analysis and processing ability, participate in data access, inspection, optimization and other processing processes

1. Good experience with Linux system, familiar with Python or Java
2. Solid knowledge in data processing, like Hadoop, Mapreduce, Hive, Storm, Spark, Kylin, Scribe, Kafka, HBase, Canal, Sqoop etc
3. Excellent comprehension and communication skills, able quickly understand the business background, sensitive to data
4. Able to quickly understand business scenarios and abstract common solutions from specific problems

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